Beneficial Nematodes
Precisely Target Pests – Sustainably
with Retaliate – BN Series Beneficial Nematodes

Choose Your Beneficial Nematode Strain
Retaliate – BN/SR
Targets Weevils
This naturally occurring insect parasitic nematode (Steinernema riobrave) controls Citrus Root Weevil (Diaprepes abbreviates), Leaf Notcher (Artipus floridanus) and Blue Green Weevil (Pachnaeus spp.). Designed for 5- 10 acre treatment.
Retaliate – BN/SC
Targets Ground Dwelling
Insects & Borers
This unmodified, insect parasitic nematode (Steinernema carpocapsae) controls a wide range of insect pests – contact us to discuss. Dosages vary depending on pest species, infestation levels, and environmental factors. Consult your Account representative for pest specific dosages.
Retaliate – BN/HB
Targets Grubs
This genetically pure, insect parasitic nematode (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora) controls White Grubs, including the European Chafer Grub (Rhizotrogus majalis), Japanese Beetle Grub (Popillia japonica), and Oriental Beetle Grub (Exomala orientalis).
Retaliate – BN/SF
Targets Thrips
This naturally occurring insect parasitic nematode (Steinernema feltiae) controls Thrips (Frankliniella sp.), fungus gnats (Bradysia sp) and Fruit Flies (Drasophylla). Dosages vary depending on pest species, infestation levels, and environmental factors. Consult your Account representative for pest specific dosages
Take Control of Pests Today
Schedule your free consultation with one of our experts to find your ideal Nematode solution and distributor.
Production and Quality Control
Our advanced production methods of the Retaliate B/N range focus on meeting the demands of our customers. We choose to produce our Nematodes in multiple small batches – rather than a single large-scale batch – to ensure that a failure in one batch, does not interfere with our ability to meet order demands.

Product Quality and Quality Control are of the upmost importance to us. Our quality control steps include:
- Health, counts and genetic analysis of the symbiote bacteria
- Standardization using specific concentrations and purity
- Inoculation of EPNs and measuring growth rates
- Harvesting and separation of infective juvenile stage
- Counting and purity testing in final product
- Cold room packaging and proper storage temperature
Asymmetry is well-versed in fermentation and equipped to perform DNA analysis of our target organisms. We pride ourselves in our commitment to quality at every step along the way. This ensures the maximum number of IJ nematodes in every tray we deliver.
As living organisms, Beneficial Nematodes are also sensitive to distribution times. Our location in the southeastern United States (Atlanta, GA), reduces shipping times and allows us to more effectively serve our customers all across North America
Start Benefitting from Our Science
Schedule your free consultation with one of our experts to find your ideal Nematode solution and distributor.